Bye-Law No. 159: Allowed Repairs & their Expense Responsibility
The following repairs and maintenance of the property of the Society shall be carried out by the Society at its costs:
i. All internal roads
ii. Compound walls
iii. External water pipe lines
iv. Water pumps
v. Water storage tanks
vi. Drainage lines
vii. Septic tanks
viii. Stair cases
ix. Terrace and parapet walls
x. Structural repairs of roofs of all flats
xi. Stair-case lights
xii. Street lights
xiii. External walls of the building/ buildings
xiv. All leakages of water including leakages due to rain water, and leakages due to external common pipe line and drainage line
xv. Electric lines upto main switches in the flats
xvi. Lifts
xvii. The damaged ceiling and plaster thereon in the top floor flats, on account of the leakage of the rain water through the terrace
xviii. Generators
xvix. Security Appliances (CCTV, Intercom, Group Mobile, Mass Data Sharing
Devices, Siren Bell)
xx. Rain Water Harvesting
xxi. Sewerage, Storm water Drain & Water Treatment Plant
xxii. Common areas not specifically allotted, Swimming Pool, Gym, Sauna Bath, Coffee House
xxiii. Common Parking Space
xxiv. Solar and alternate energy devices
xxv. Garden
xxvi. Community hall
xxvii. Wi-fi setup of the Society
All the repairs, not covered by the bye-law No. 159(a) shall be carried out by the Members at their cost. The expenditure of the internal leakage due to toilet, sink etc. should be borne by concerned flat holders, with the intimation to the Society.