Application Addressing

1 minuteread

Bye-law No. 63


All the applications for

(i) admission to Membership of the Society, including associate and nominal Membership,

(ii) approval to the transfers of Shares and interest in the capital/property of the Society,

(iii) intimation for subletting or giving flats or parts thereof on leave and license or care-taker basis,

(iv) permission for additions and alterations in flats,

(v) allotment of parking spaces and stilts,

(vi)permission for exchange of flats,

(vii) permission for holding, additional flats,

(viii) permission for assigning, mortgaging or creating charge or interest in fiats,

(ix) permission for use of terrace,

(x) complaint application of the members

(xi) for any other purpose provided under the byelaws but not specifically mentioned above,

shall be addressed to the Secretary of the Society.

Every application received by the Secretary shall be acknowledged by him.

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