Bye-Law No. 96: Calling the Special General Body Meeting
A Special General Body Meeting of the Society may be called at any time at the instance of the Chairman or by the decision of the majority of the Committee and shall be called within one month of the date of the receipt or requisition, in writing signed by at least 1/5th of the Members of the Society or from the Registering Authority or from the Housing Federation, to which the Society is affiliated. The meeting so convened shall not transact any business, other than that mentioned in the Notice of the Meeting, fixing date, time and place for a Special General Body Meeting requisitioned.
Bye-Law No. 97: Keeping the SGM Request in MCM
The requisition for the special general body meeting of the Society, under the bye-law no. 95 shall be placed within 7 days of its receipt, before the Meeting of the Committee, by the Secretary of the Society, for fixing the date, time and place for the Special General Body Meeting of the Society.