Bye-Law No. 65: Composition of Society Charges
The contribution to be collected from the Members of the Society, towards outgoing and establishment of its funds, referred to in these bye-laws as ‘the charges’ may be in relation to the following :
(i) Property Taxes,
(ii) Water Charges,
(iii) Common Electricity Charges,
(iv) Contribution to Repairs and Maintenance Fund,
(v) Expenses on repairs and maintenance of the lifts of the Society, including charges for running the lift.
(vi) Contribution to the Sinking Fund,
(vii) Service Charges,
(viii) Car Parking Charges,
(ix) Interest on the defaulted charges,
(x) Repayment of the installment of the loan and interest,
(xi) Non-occupancy Charges,
(xii) Insurance Charges,
(xiii) Lease rent,
(xiv) Nonagricultural tax
(xv) Education and Training Fund
(xvi) Election Fund
(xvii) Any Other Charges.