Bye-Law No. 117: Eligibility Conditions for Managing Committee
No person shall be eligible for being elected as a Member of the Committee or co-opted on it, if :
a. he / she has been convicted of the offence, involving moral turpitude, unless the period of six years has elapsed since his conviction;
b. he / has defaults the payment of dues to the Society, within three months from the date of service of notice in writing, served either by hand delivery or by registered post, demanding the payment of dues;
c. he /she has been held responsible under Section 79 / 88 / 147 of the Act or has been held responsible for the payment of the costs of enquiry under Section 85 of the Act;
d. In case of an Associate Member, non-submission of the no-objection certificate and undertaking, as prescribed under these bye-laws, by the Member;
e. he is not an Active Member;
f. he has without previous permission in writing has sublet his flat or part thereof or given it on leave and license or care taker basis or has parted with its possession in any other manner or has sold his shares and interest in the society