Bye-Law No. 141: List of Records to be Maintained
The Society shall maintain the following books of accounts, records and Registers.
1. The Register of Members in “I” form prescribed under Rule 32 of the MCS rules 1961
2. The List of Members in ‘J’ form prescribed under Rule 33 of the MCS rules 1961
3. The Cash Book
4. The General Ledger
5. The Personal Ledger
6. The Sinking Fund Register
7. The Audit Rectification Register in ‘O’ form, prescribed under the MCS rules 1961
8. The Investment Register
9. The Nomination Register
10. The Society / Members Loan Register/Mortgage Register
11. The Minutes Book for the meetings of the Committee of the Society
12. The Minutes Book for the meetings of the General Body of the Society
13. The Property register and furniture, fixtures and office equipment
14. The Structural and Fire Audit Register and Lift Inspection Record
15. The Register of Nominal Members (Tenant occupant)
16. The Register for Active Members