Bye-Law No. 174.a.: Complaint Escalation to Registrar
i. Complaints to be made to the Registrar. Matters pertaining to following issues:-
ii. Registration of Society on Misrepresentation,
iii. Non-issuance of the Share Certificates,
iv. Refusal of Membership,
v. Non registration of Nomination by the Society,
vi. Non Occupancy charges,
vii. Demand of excess premium for transfers,
viii. Non supply of the copies of record and documents,
ix. Tampering, suppression and destruction of the records of the Society,
x. Non acceptance of the cheques or any other correspondence by the committee.
xi. Non maintenance or incomplete maintenance of records and books of the Society,
xii. Non preparation of the annual accounts/reports, within the prescribed period, xiii. Misappropriation/ Misapplication of the Funds of the Society,
xiv. Defaulter/Disqualified Member on the committee,
xv. Investment of Funds without prior permission of G.B.M.
xvi. Reconciliation of Accounts, xvii. Audit, Audit Rectification reports.
xviii. Non conducting of election before expiry of the term of the Committee as per law.
xix. Rejection of Nomination,
xx. Non convening of General Body meetings within prescribed period on or before 30th September of each year
xxi. Non calling of Managing Committee meeting as prescribed in Bye-laws,
xxii. Resignation by the Committee,
xxiii. Any other like matters which falls within jurisdiction of the Registrar.
xxiv. Non filling of Returns and statements.
xxv. Classification as Active and Non-Active Members