A Member may resign from Membership after giving three months notice in the prescribed form to the Secretary of the Society as provided under Rule 21(1) of the Rules.
No resignation of a Member of the Society shall be accepted unless such Member has made payment of the charges payable to the Society in full.
Where any charges are found payable by the Member to the Society, the Secretary of the Society shall intimate the same giving full details and reasons of dues thereof to the Member within 15 days of the receipt of the notice of resignation, advising him to make payment there of within 30 days of the date of intimation.
Where there are no charges of the Society outstanding with the Member, the Committee shall accept the resignation of the Member and the Secretary of the Society shall communicate the same to the Member within a period of 3 months from the date of the receipt of the notice of the resignation.
Where any resignation is rejected, the Committee shall record the reasons therefore and communicate the same to the Member concerned within three months from the date of receipt of notice of resignation.
It shall be open to the Society, having regard to the importance of the matter and the specific provision made thereof under the MCS Act1960, the MCS Rules 1961 and the Bye-laws of the Society, to give notice of every General body meeting and communicate the resolution or the decision, to the Members of the Society on their last known addresses, by one of the following modes:
i. Hand delivery,
ii. Dispatch through post office or by registered post, with or
without acknowledgement due, or by email.
A copy of such notice/communication of the decision/resolution shall be displayed on the notice board of the Society and thereupon, the notice shall be deemed to have been duly given or communication shall be deemed to have been duly made and the complaints received or made that the notice/communication was not received or was not sent to the correct address shall not affect the validity of the notice or the communication.
The Committee shall consist of *11 / 13 / 15 / 17 / 19 Members of the Society. This strength includes the reservation of seats as provided under section 73B and 73C of the Act.
Note: *The strength of the managing committee and strength of the quorum for conducting the meeting would be as under:-
*Quorum for the Meeting will be simple majority of the existing Committee Members
Where any parking slots have been built or open space in the Society’s compound is available for parking of cars, the Society shall number and demarcate the stilts and/or the open space in such a way that no inconvenience would be caused to any of the Members of the Society. The Committee shall ensure that the space is used by the Members for the purpose for which it is allotted to them.
Deposits from Members and loans may be received by the Society for such period and at such rate of interest and up to such amount and on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Committee, provided that at no time, the total amount of such liabilities shall exceed the limit prescribed under Rule 35 of the MSCS Rules.
Within one month of the date of demand for payment of the value of the shares and interest in the capital/property of the Society, or acquisition of the same by the Society, the Committee shall, by publication of the notice in at least two widely circulated news papers and exhibition thereof on the
notice board of the Society, invite offers for price proposed to be paid for acquiring interest in the flat, within such period as is mentioned in the notice.
A member shall intimate to the society, of subletting his flat or giving on leave and license basis or care taker basis or parting with its possession in any other manner, however the member shall submit a copy of leave and license agreement and copy of intimation report to the police station.
No permission of the Society is required to sublet the flat / shop. However the intimation needs to be given to the society 8 days before such subletting
It shall be the responsibility of the Committee to maintain the property of the Society in good condition at all times and to redevelop the Society buildings/ property, if necessary, as per Government directives from time to time
and as per prevailing laws.
a. The Secretary of the Society, on receipt of any complaints about the maintenance of the property of the Society from any Members of the Society
or on his own motion, shall inspect the property of the Society(if necessary
along with technical expert appointed for the purpose), from time to time and
make the report to the Committee, stating the need of the repairs, if any,
considered necessary. The Committee shall consider the report made by the
Secretary of the Society and decide as to which of the repairs should be
carried out.
b. the Members of the Society shall allow access and cooperate in the inspection of the premises for repairs & maintenance
An individual / applicant who is eligible to be the Member and who has applied for Membership of the Society in the prescribed form, may admitted as Member by the Committee on complying with the following conditions:
i. applicant has fully tendered the value of at least Ten shares of the Society, along with his Application for Membership;
ii. applicant has paid the Entrance Fee of Rs. 100/-, along with the Application for Membership;
iii. applicant has submitted the application as prescribed, of the particulars in regard to any house, plot or flat owned by him or any of the Members of his family, anywhere in the area of operation of the Society;
iv. applicant has submitted undertaking in the prescribed form to the effect that he shall use the flat / unit for the purpose for which it was purchased by him;
v. applicant has furnished an undertaking in the prescribed form, if he / she has no independent source of income;
vi. applicant has submitted, along with the application for Membership of the Society, a certified copy of the agreement, duly stamped and registered entered into by him / her/ them with the Promoter Builder or Transferor under Section 4 of the Maharashtra Ownership of Flats Act;
vii. applicant has furnished such other undertakings/declarations, in the prescribed forms as are required under any law for the time being in force and such other information as is required under the Bye-laws of the Society along with the application for Membership.
viii. In case of Societies registered under the jurisdiction of special planning Authority like CIDCO / MHADA / SRA / MMRDA etc. the applicant should be eligible person as per the provision of respective Act and the directives of the Govt. / the Planning Authorities, if any.
Note : The conditions at (iii), (iv), (v), and (vii) above shall not be applicable to the Promoter Builder, applying for Membership of the Society, in respect of the unsold flats.
The registration of the Society shall render it a body corporate by the name under which it is registered, with perpetual succession and common seal and with power to acquire, hold and dispose of the property, to enter into contracts and other legal proceedings and to do all such things as are necessary for the purpose for which it is constituted.
On receipt of the applications, the Secretary of the Society shall scrutinize them and bring any short-coming therein to the notice of the Members concerned within 15 days of their receipt for compliance
The Secretary shall place all the applications, complete in all respects, or incomplete, before the meeting of the Committee or the general body, as the case may be, held next after receipt of the applications
The Committee or the General Body, as the case may be, shall consider all such applications at its meetings and take decisions thereon
The Committee shall ensure that all the applications received by the
Secretary of the Society are disposed off within the maximum period of 3
months from the dates of their receipt; except application for subletting.
The Chairman of the Provisional Committee or the Nominated Committee shall handover charge of all the assets and documents & papers of the Society to the Chairman of the newly elected Committee at the time of its first meeting, leaving nothing with him/them including the record mentioned under bye-law no. 90.
No Member shall be eligible to get possession of the flat allotted to him unless he has made full payment towards shares, cost of construction, repayment of the loan instalments, which have fallen due and/or any other charges demanded by the Society, under these bye-laws.
No Member of the Society shall use the flat / unit deemed to have been allotted to him under (a) above, for a purpose other than that mentioned in the letter of allotment, without the previous consent in writing of the Committee.
The funds of the Society, when not deployed in its objects, may be invested or deposited as required under Section 70 of the Act. Provided that the Society’s funds collection shall be invested on long-term basis, along with the interest earned thereon by one of the modes permitted under the said section of the Act.
The Society may utilise its Funds in the manner indicated below :
The Reserve Fund of the Society may be utilized for the expenditure on repairs, maintenance, and renewals of the Society’s property.
The Repairs and Maintenance Fund may be utilized for meeting the expenditure on maintenance of the Society’s property and repairs and renewals thereof.
On the resolution passed at the meeting of the General Body of the Society, the Sinking Fund may be used by the Society for the reconstruction of its building/buildings or for carrying out such structural additions or alterations to the building/buildings, as in the opinion of the Society’s Architect would be necessary to strengthen it/them or for carrying out such heavy repairs as may be certified by the Architect and on approval of General Body.
The Education & Training Fund be utilized as provided under section 24(A) of the Act
No Member, without the previous permission of the Committee, in writing shall stock or store any kind of goods or materials, which are combustible obnoxious or other goods, for the storing of which requires permit / sanction of the competent authority under any law relating thereto.
No Member shall do or suffer anything to be done in his fiat which may cause
nuisance, annoyance or inconvenience to any of the Members of the Society
or carry on practices which may be repugnant to the general decency or
morals of the Members of the Society.
It shall be competent for the Committee either sou-moto or on receipt of the
complaint from any Member, to take steps to stop all such practices referred
to in the bye-law No. 47(a) forthwith.
The Member, who is deemed to have been allotted the flat under the Bye-law No. 76(a) of the Society shall have a right to occupy the flat subject to the terms and conditions set out in the letter in the prescribed form under the said bye-law.
The Associate/Nominal Member may have a right to occupy the flat with the consent of the Member and written intimation to the Society, subject to the conditions set out by the General Body Meeting.
The Members, desiring to exchange their flats, shall make a joint application to the Secretary of the Society, containing the following details:
a. The names of the Members concerned;
b. The distinctive numbers of their respective flats;
c. The carpet areas (in sq. metres), of their respective flats;
d. The building number/numbers or name/names of the building/buildings in which the respective flats are situated;
e. The reasons for the exchange of flats.
The first meeting of the newly elected jointly with outgoing Committee shall be
held within 30 days from the date of constitution of the new committee as per
bye-law No. 117 and the provisions of Section 73AAA.
Subject to the provisions of the bye-law No. 121(a) the Secretary of the
outgoing Committee shall issue notice of the first meeting to the Members of
the newly elected Committee and the outgoing Committee thereof. On the
failure of the Secretary of the outgoing Committee to convene the joint
meeting, the Chairman of the outgoing Committee shall call it. On the failure
of both, the Registration Authority may call such a meeting.
Every Committee, at its first meeting, after its election shall elect a Chairman, Secretary and Treasure from amongst the Members of the Committee.
The Officer of the Society shall hold office for the period of 5
years from the date on which he is elected to be the Chairman as the
case may be the Secretary and Treasurer but not beyond the expiry of
term of the Committee.
Provided that he shall cease to be the Officer, if the motion of No
Confidence is moved in the special meeting of the Committee called and
presided by the Registrar or such officer not below the rank of a Assistant
Registrar upon the notice given by 1/3rd Members of the Committee and
the motion of No confidence is passed by the 2/3rd Members present at
such meeting, who are entitled to vote at the election of such Chairman,
Secretary or Treasurer.
Provided further that another motion of No Confidence shall not be
brought against the Chairman or as the case may be the Secretary or
Treasurer of the Society unless the period of 6 months has elapsed from
the date of preceding motion of the No Confidence.
Within 45 days of the close of every co-operative year, the Secretary of the Society or any other person, authorised by the Committee in that behalf, shall finalise the accounts of the preceding co-operative year, prepare the Receipts and Payments Statement, the Income and Expenditure Statement for the said year and the Balance Sheet as at the close of the said year in the forms prescribed under Rule 62(i) of MCS Rules 1961 along with the list of Active Members and Non-Active Members as at the close of the preceding co-operative year, with amounts to their credit in the share capital account and deposits, if any, the schedules of investments, the debtors, the creditors, the furniture, the fixtures and the office equipments etc.
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